Open Governance
Dagu Iceberg: The Coming Ice and Snow Festival

  On November 23, 4th Heishui Dagu Iceberg Ice and Snow Tourism Festival will be opened. This event will last till next April. There are 4 theme activities. From December 20, 2013 to February 28, 2014, a period is called Carnival Festival for Ice and Snow Paradise, slope sprint, when ice activities, such as skating, making snowmen, super touch and so on would be held at Dagu Lake, a natural place for skating. From January 1, 2014 to January 3, 2014, a blessing ceremony will be held at Luogesi Mountain. Tourists could explore alpine pastures on foot and experience the real and simple life of shepherds. From January 31 to February, during the Spring Festival, the spot will invite tourists to experience how Zang people celebrate Spring Festival. Tourists can have a fresh experience of Festival and a different kind of folk customs by living with villagers at Gurv Village and Zegai Village of Luhua Township, Heishui County. From February 14 to 16, the scenic spot will hold wedding photography activity, named “Dagu Iceberg•My Heart Will Go On”. By then, 30 lucky couples will be given free wedding album as present.

Hosted by: General Office of the People's Government of Sichuan Province
Website Operation and Maintenance: China Telecom Sichuan Branch
Website Identification Code: 5100000062 Sichuan ICP No. 13001288
Sichuan Computer Information Network and Internet Security Record No. 51010402000507