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Total Number of Foreign Trade Bases in Sichuan Reaches 28 Last Year

  In 2020, the total number of national and provincial foreign trade bases in the province arrived at 28.So far, the foreign trade bases in the province have gathered more than 3,800 enterprises related to featured products. In 2020, those bases secured over 2 trillion yuan in sales revenue and 676.08 billion yuan in import and export, accounting for about 84% of the total import and export of the province. They have become an important support to promote the high-quality development of foreign trade in the province.

  Foreign trade bases are an important export-oriented industrial agglomeration area with obvious industrial advantages, distinct regional characteristics, outstanding innovation drive and sound public service systems. They are the carrier of the organic combination of trade and industry.Last year, additional 8 national foreign trade bases in Sichuan got approved, bringing the total to 16, which ranks first in west China, and 12 more provincial foreign trade bases were recognized.The 28 foreign trade bases are located in 14 cities (prefectures) including Chengdu, Panzhihua, Yibin, Dazhou and Ganzi, and thus cover all the "five major economic zones" in the province.Their featured industries contain electronic information, equipment manufacturing, new materials, energy and chemical, intelligent manufacturing, agricultural products and auto parts, and thus fully cover the province's "5+1" modern industrial system.

  According to a relevant official at the Foreign Trade Development Office, Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce, with the accelerated construction of foreign trade bases leading to the overall improvement in scale and quality, the bases, relying on the industrial advantages, continue to extend the industrial chain and the agglomeration and intensification effect is beginning to show.For example, Longquanyi District gathers 10 auto manufacturers such as FAW-Volkswagen, FAW Toyota, Geely Gaoyuan and Volvo, as well as more than 300 auto parts enterprises, and thus initially forms the integrated development pattern of the whole industrial chain of "manufacturing, trade, research, entertainment and service".Suining Economic and Technological Development Zone, through "attracting investment by business and developing chain by chain", has formed a whole industrial chain of electronic information product design, packaging, testing and application. The Zone contributes 90% of the city's import and export volume, and the electronic information industry contributes 90% of the Zone's import and export volume.

  In terms of comprehensive competitiveness, with the continuous improvement of various public service platforms, the service level in customs clearance facilitation, infrastructure construction, logistics guarantee and financial support has been significantly enhanced.For example, Mianyang City focuses on creating the "five major public service platforms", namely technology innovation platform, market development platform, trade order maintenance platform, talent training platform and financing platform, so as to comprehensively promote and deepen the base's international cooperation. Panzhihua City keeps promoting the construction of a vanadium and titanium cloud intelligence supporting service industrial park and the national production service-oriented logistics hub so as to improve the supporting conditions of hardware and software. Xinjin District, relying on the characteristic industries of the base, is actively building a comprehensive public service agency for foreign trade.At present, the province's foreign trade bases have established a total of 393 public service platforms.

  In terms of network marketing, their international operation ability has been continuously enhanced through implementing the key projects of international marketing networks and encouraging competent enterprises in foreign trade bases to establish overseas promotion and exhibition centers, retail stores or after-sales service stores.For example, Yibin Lingang Economic and Technological Development Zone has developed 51 international marketing networks in Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and South America, has obtained 131 overseas certifications, and has exported products to 59 countries and regions. At present, the bases continue to increase the density of such marketing networks, and the enterprises have established more than 1,030 foreign (overseas) marketing networks.

  The substantial progress made in the development of foreign trade bases has played an important role in the development of foreign trade in the whole province.In 2020, the import and export volume of goods in Sichuan exceeded 800 billion yuan for the first time, the growth rate of foreign trade ranked second in China, the dependence on foreign trade increased to 16.7%, and Sichuan's leading position in foreign trade in west China was further consolidated.

  In the next step, the province will actively guide the foreign trade bases to carry out the industrial transfer from foreign countries and east China, deepen international exchanges and cooperation, promote the construction of the BRI import and export commodity distribution center, and expand the space for foreign trade development with the help of the construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor.

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